Choosing the Perfect Lipstick Color

>> Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Despite lipstick being the most popular makeup it is amazing how many people do not know how to choose the right shade for their skin tone. Going into a department store or even a drugstore it is easy to see how overwhelming the task can be, just think about all of those colors that you have to choose from. With all of those colors it is easy to get side tracked because of how cute most of the colors are, but being cute does not mean the shade is going to work for your skin tone.

The easiest method to picking the right shade of lipstick for your skin tone is going with a shade that is only one or two shades darker than your natural lip color. The only way you will be able to tell how close the shades are to your natural lip color is to put the lipstick on, so be prepared to take some time in choosing the right shade of lipstick.

Dress Your Lips With Organic


What you will want to do with lipstick or even lip-gloss is apply a small amount on your bare lip and see how it measures up to your natural lip color, if it is a shade or two darker than your natural color that is the one that you want.In some cases, you are not going to be able to try the lipstick on because the lipstick is sealed and they do not offer samples at a store like Wal-Mart.

If you cannot try the lipstick on the only way you can determine if it is going to be the right shade is to use the picture on the box.The picture on the box is very accurate in terms of color so you can use it to compare the shade to your natural lip color. To get the best results you will want to use sunlight, but most often stores do not have the lipstick located near a window so you will need to make do with the artificial light inside the store.

Facing the Facts About Lipstick

To find the right shade you need to look in a mirror and hold the picture of the color near your lips so you can determine if it is a shade or two darker than your natural color.If you want to buy red lipstick the process is going to be similar, but you need to think about the undertones. If you have olive colored skin you will do best with fire-engine red, whereas if you are pink skinned you want to go for a cherry red.

Deep reds look great on people who have dark skin. The one thing you want to avoid is matching your lipstick to your outfit; you still need to consider skin tone.
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>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I can hear it now - who cares about the history of lipstick?

First, we are still in some pretty depressing and difficult economic times. Second, lipstick is a perfect way to perk up a gloomy day and add some cheap chic to our "wardrobe."Finally, a brief look at the history of lipstick will hopefully entertain as well as take you away from your daily drudgery.

Lipstick, believe it or not, has a rather formidable history. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Samaria, Babylonia - these are the times and places in which lipstick had its roots. I picture Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra - can you see her going without her lipstick? Of course, it goes without saying that the lipstick of yore is nothing like our lipstick of today.

The exact origin of luscious lips is a town called Ur which was located outside of Babylon. About 5000 years ago, to be exact, ladies would crush semi-precious stones (Yikes!), mix them with a pasty material, and smear them on their lips. Red was the color of choice.

The Egyptian women used the purplish-reddish color in iodine and bromine which led to death and disease. What price for beauty, eh Brutè? As for our friend Cleopatra, would you believe her lips were adorned with a paste of ants eggs combined with carmine beetles?

Even back then, women wanted that shine we find in shimmery, frosted shades of lipstick. Ready for this - they used fish scales to get that glow and attract those charioteers. Can you imagine putting such a thing on your lips? A more reasonable alternative then was henna.

I'll go for the henna and forgo the shine, thank you very much. Onward we go to the Elizabethan Age. This was the time, thanks to Queen Elizabeth I, where woman looked like walking corpses - faces painted white and lips - hemorrhage red.

We are approaching a more modern concoction in this age what with lipsticks made from beeswax and plants and flowers. Surprise, surprise - men weren't about to let ladies have all the fun, so they got in the act with their red lips, too. Along we trot to the 1770's and here all hell breaks loose.

In England, where we had all the fun in the previous century (albeit looking like death), a law was passed banning lipstick - or any makeup, for that matter - because it meant a woman was a seducing witch! Even Queen Victoria was a lipstick party-pooper. Jumping ahead to after World War II, lipstick experienced a big-time revival!

Yes, the movie biz was a part of lipstick's exploding popularity, but I can't help but think that the tides of the time: reunited lovers, an atmosphere of frugality, and a desire to add some "cheap chic" to otherwise tired, dull wardrobes.
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About this blog

Lipsticks are the most simple and easiest makeup to apply. They are the best quick fix cosmetics you can easily carry and use anytime and anywhere. Lipsticks not only color your lips but they also protect your lips from drying. Reputed online cosmetic stores are selling a wide selection of senegence lipsticks that are made of safe and natural ingredients. You can choose from the liquid variety to the stick forms which are easy to apply and you feel benefit of lipstick

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P.P.S Lip Gloss is a cosmetic that gives shine or gloss to the lips Just Visit Here

P.P.P.S "Lip gloss is a substance that is either bottled or placed into a tube for applying to the lips to make them shine, and to protect them" Just Click Here

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